I can not believe my baby is 6 months old. He is so much fun and is doing new things all the time. He got his first tooth on Thursday, he has been teething forever and it finally came through. He sticks his tongue out. He started just sticking it out a little and as of Saturday he sticks the whole thing out. I swear its going to touch his chest..... mom, I think he got your tongue. Ha Ha. He has been sitting up for a couple weeks and now he doesn't want to lay down. Its so cool and weird to see him sit and play with toys. He is grabbing everything he can reach and putting it in his mouth. When he is tired, he fights it so bad and will go from laughing to crying within a second. He is always jabbering and making different noises. He is such a happy baby, we are so lucky. I love you so much Blayke.
4 days ago
I can't believe he is 6 months already!
Seems like Deryck and I were just driving to the hospital to see him for the first time :)
He is so darn cute!
Love you all
I didn't know he had a tooth come in! I can't believe he is already six months old. Soon he will be walking and talking. I love to see him smile, his pictures always put a huge smile on my face even if Ive had a rough day! Blayke we love you so much!!!
Love Grandma Lori and Grandpa Kevin
Love my little Blaykemeister!
Happy 1/2 birthday Blayke...come see me Taryn:) Love ya!
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