Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blayke likes to sit with Done'e while she gets ready and get into all of her stuff. Its so cute. When she blowdries her hair she puts it on cold and blows his face a little, he cracks up. Now everytime I blowdry my hair he gets all excited. When I put my makeup on he likes to take everything out of my bag. Its lots of fun :) That is my fault. Before he could crawl I would give him an eyeshadow container or something to entertain him, now its a pain trying to put everything back. I love having a blog to keep track of all the cute little things Blayke does.

1 comment:

Torrey said...

What a good Aunt! Yeah it's cute when they are little, but when they learn how to open the make up and smear it everywhere or claw their little fingers into the eyeshadow.... then it's not so cute!

So sorry I forgot to call you Saturday. I really wasn't feeling to well. I decided to take a nap when the boys took theirs. I think we have the cold, but not sure.